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== Communist Aurea v. The Bavarian Empire ==
Quickly after Aurea's establishment as a militaristic, Marxistsocialist dictatorship under the leadership of Kevlar, it gained a lot of enemies. Aurea's main adversary was the expansionist Bavarian Empire, led by Drazius. Drazius had the desire to unify all opposing militaries under him, leading him to declare war. Kevlar and his officers discussed multiple ways to win the war, knowing that they were more disciplined, but far more outnumbered. They came to the conclusion that the best way to win the war was through deception, so Aurean Intelligence members were planted within the guild, and two Aureans ended up leading two different Bavarian Regiments.
Kevlar's council of officers planned that they would lure the Bavarian's to York, and keep all the Aurean soldiers hiding except for Kevlar. Kevlar would emerge, allowing the Bavarians to mock him, but then would order the destruction of both guilds, and a total assault on Bavaria.
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The strategy went as planned, and a battle broke out. The Aureans managed to overwhelm the Bavarians, who struggled to rebuild their suddenly fallen Regiments, which held most of the guild's members. Despite this, Drazius refused to back down, which led to an agreement to be drafted. Drazius and Kevlar would spar for ten rounds, and who ever lost would be forced to completely disband their guild under oath. Both took the oath, and Kevlar ended up winning, causing to the destruction of Bavaria in one day.
Even after being under oath, Drazius made one last attempt at reviving Bavaria, but eventually crumbled away.
== The Minutemen Rebellion ==