The Unified State: Difference between revisions

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Nearly a week after, the planning began. Before officially launching Regium Company, Spyros approached Reggius to initiate an additional change. They both came to agreement on the new name and The Consilim Company was born to honor those before them as they were both new generation [[The Çønsïlïm Family|Çønsilims]]. The Company ran smoothly for a fair amount of time with Spyros and Reggius excelling at teamwork. A while after, following the retirements and resignations of important officers and other soldiers for instance [[Jace Mendacium|Jace]] and Emberlynn, the captains of Çønsilim, the company struggled to stay on its feet. A few days before this incident, Spyros and Reggius noticed some trouble with communication which was when a transfer with Jace (Kozak) and Spyros (Consilim) was executed to ensure a better future for both companies. However, after the said individuals resigned, not long after, the disbandment of the company was announced and its troops were distributed to Han and Kozak on August 14th.</div><div style="border:1px solid #ddd; background-color:#f9f9f9; color:#000; margin-top:0.5em; padding:1em; border-top: 4px solid #6F6F6F;">
==The Government (MatMay 31st, July 11th)==
TheBoth governmentiterations concludedof tothe government unpredictably beconcluded to a catastrophic failureend, asresulting ain wholemassive failure. The government was mostly an on and off project, instigated by Joe Kyro and Vulnus Regium individually.
The first implementation of the government was somewhat successful, securing a healthy life span. The government consisted of councilors and was successful in the implementation of organization. On the contrary, the election process was indeed rocky, having been jeopardized by a citizen attempting to purchase votes for a representative. The issue caused altercations between Joe Kyro and Logan. Consequently, the High Councilor resigned. Surprisingly, the council sustained themselves before they were removed or independently resigned eingbeing accused of ties to Joe after rumor about a rebel Kyronia had been spread.<hr>
*'''High Councilor''': Joe Kyro
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'''''<big>Work In Progress</big>''''' </div><div style="border:1px solid #ddd; background-color:#f9f9f9; color:#000; margin-top:0.5em; padding:1em; border-top: 4px solid #6F6F6F;">
==The Downfall (August 31st - September 9th)==
Subsequent to the continuation of the Unified State's paramountcyparamount and it culminatingculmination, the degradation of its dominance and extensive reign over the entirety of the community initiated upon the commencement of September, contradictorily validated as the month of the ceremonial inauguration of schools, which consisted a predominant impact to the Unified State's supremacy. Consequently, activity substantially plummeted, ultimately diminishing, concluding in possessing two unreservedly istagnantstagnant companies, straining to recuperate this fatal phase.
Perceived as a potentially opportune occasion to declare a triumphantly ceasing war from the numerous rival acquaintances obtained incrementally, they commit the precisely ancipitatedanticipated manoeuvre.
Disparate militaries imposed deleteriously detrimental and baneful singular inflictions upon the Unified State, namely the [[Arnithen|Kingdom of Arnithen]], Kronborg and Nolvendore, supplementally in alliance, as the State's remaining forces exerted great effort to pull through, notwithstanding the vital obstacles to overcome, deplorably never victorious. This disintegration and general fiasco led up to the 9th of September, preparatory to the dormant primarily high command taking said action.