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Not long after transferring, The Han Company entered a state of near shutdown crisis due to the tag dropping critically in numbers. Unfulfillment of responsibilities and disorganisation began to surface. As Han was on a timer to dissolve, events occurred in Consilim that placed Spyros Çonsïlïm in The Kozak Company again. He couldn't bare to watch Han die and offered to re-introduce himself to Han and double tag as Captain in both tags, essentially aiming to lead both of them successfully and save Han. Thanatos and Spyros placed Han Company on a revival path naming it "Han Rising". After days of dedicating the last remaining effort to its rescue, The Han Company was back on its feet again and was better than ever. New members were introduced into the company and were given new opportunities. People such as Kai, Raven (Formerly known as Christi) and Gothic were keen soldiers in Han company, showing exemplary ability and dedication to the company. Han scored 15-25 members online and the mission had been successful. After Consilim's disbandment, Reggius had been declared the new Major as Thanatos was moved up to Lieutenant Colonel. After the rocky leading of Han Company due to difference of opinion, Reggius took it upon himself to "retire" from Graal, leaving Spyros as the new Major of Han. Following the previous weeks of common normalcy, unexpectedly Thanatos retired from his position due to the upcoming school period. At the time, Spyros realized the school period was about to make its appearance and the mark it would leave was unpredictable and possibly unstoppable. It was too late for preparing for this sudden change. That however didn't stop the introduction of another Major, who had proved more than worthy of the position after indescribable impressions given. Impressions of a new leader. Emberlynn, who during Consilim's disbandment, transferred into Han Company, is now titled Major and Spyros had been awarded with a High Command position. To Emberlynn's previous position replacement came Kai [[Line of Maximus|Maximus]], who had personally been mentored by Thanatos and Spyros to take on its duties. The school period had arrived however, and with it Emberlynn, Valentina, Rin, Hoshi, Samuel and a few others were forced into retirement. The damage was irreversible, and Han dissolved along with the rest of The Unified State as a whole.
==The Exercito Alliance (June 7th - September 4th)==
'''''<big>Work In Progress</big>'''''
==225th Infantry Division (June 11th - July 15th) ==
The madness, the chaos and endless monstrosity the name houses, all leads back directly to former Major [[Choco Bites*|Choco]]. Initially, Choco took it upon himself to falsely claim himself a respectful member of the House of Auel. Then, he suffered the consequences of his stunt, yet he neglected from comprehending his faults, rather blamed State leadership for his removal penalty. Subsequently, he gathered this iteration of The State's most vicious opponents and enemies to create a better State, as Choco claimed, but he truly desired to gain revenge. Therefore, the false state, equally false to his membership in the House of Auel, is a product of Choco's misplaced frustrations towards The Unified State. Nonetheless, the execution of the rebellious act didn't achieve any of its aims and concluded unsuccessfully.
==Famous Photograph Recreation (June 19th)==
On June 19th, General Auel Kusan organized the recreation of a famous State photograph upon recommendation from numerous soldiers with detailed improvement. The attempt came out successful and the result was liked by the entirety of The Unified State.[[File: Recreation_Photograph_.png|thumb|<u>'''The Unified State'''</u><p>New Iteration of State Photograph|center]][[File:Screen_shot_2014-02-12_at_9.42.06_PM.png|center|thumb|'''<u>The Last Auelian Era</u>'''<p>Old Iteration of State Photograph]]
==The New Era of Uniforms (June 20th)==
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With Soft's goal achieved, he dissolved Treor soon after.
== The Obstruction of Sovereignty (July 4th)==
'''''<big>Work In Progress</big>'''''
==The Consilim Company (July 10th - August 15th)==
In a casual night, Spyros and Reggius Çønsilim were having a conversation about the overpopulation of the two existent Companies and about the rank inflation. After a lot of discussion, they constructed a plan for a new company under the name "[[Line of Regium|Regium]] Company<nowiki>''</nowiki>, led by them, and took it upon themselves to propose the plan to high command. The plan was approved under the condition that Spyros and Reggius would work to perfect Han and Kozak before launching a new company. They immediately took matters into their own hands and did their absolute best to improve the companies to be the best versions they could possibly be.
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Both iterations of the government unpredictably concluded to a catastrophic end, resulting in massive failure. The government was mostly an on and off project, instigated by Joe Kyro and Vulnus Regium individually.
The first implementation of the government was somewhat successful, securing a healthy life span. The government consisted of councilors and was successful in the implementation of organization. On the contrary, the election process was indeed rocky, having been jeopardized by a citizen attempting to purchase votes for a representative. The issue caused altercations between Joe Kyro and Logan. Consequently, the High Councilor resigned. Surprisingly, the council sustained themselves before they were removed or independently resigned being accused of ties to Joe after rumor about a rebel Kyronia had been spread.<hr>
===Parliament ===
The first implementation of the government was somewhat successful, securing a healthy life span. The government consisted of councilors and was successful in the implementation of organization. On the contrary, the election process was indeed rocky, having been jeopardized by a citizen attempting to purchase votes for a representative. The issue caused altercations between Joe Kyro and Logan. Consequently, the High Councilor resigned. Surprisingly, the council sustained themselves before they were removed or independently resigned being accused of ties to Joe after rumor about a rebel Kyronia had been spread.<hr>
=== Parliament ===
* '''High Councilor''': Joe Kyro
*'''Councilor of Foreign Affairs''': [[Konn|Snow Küsän]]
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*'''Councilor of Research & Development''': Mavis Magnus
*'''Councilor of History & Archiving''': Tenacity Vaith
*'''Councilor of Education''': [[Draz|Drazius Vølanus]]<hr>
The second time a government was implemented resulted in an utter failure. The elections process was executed smoothly, with slight delay. Subsequent to the completion of the parliament, its Chancellor; Vulnus, suddenly went inactive without a trace nor a heads-up. He had promised elected representatives a complete constitution. This event however never occurred. Then, lacking mutual effort to withhold it on its feet, the government indefinitely went dormant. However, few parliament members endured their dedication to their departments, namely Reggius, JJ and Spyros, though the government would remain in its state until the end.
* '''Chancellor''': Vulnus Regium
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*'''Department of Intelligence''': James Vist
* '''Department of Alchemy''': [[Morzan|Morzan Kazakov]]<hr>
==The Ascendancy (August 11th)==
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The militant aliased as JJ mysteriously initiated rising through the ranks from Major to Lieutenant General upon the commencement of August. The obscured then purpose was establishing a General, consequently allowing Kusan to safely retire rest assured. His final promotion to obtaining the rank was officially promulgated on the 11th and a new General arose to lead the premises.
==The Unified State vs. Kingdom of Arnithen (August)==
'''''<big>Work In Progress</big>'''''
==The Downfall (August 31st - September 9th)==
Subsequent to the continuation of the Unified State's paramount and culmination, the degradation of its dominance and extensive reign over the entirety of the community initiated upon the commencement of September, contradictorily validated as the month of the ceremonial inauguration of schools, which consisted a predominant impact to the Unified State's supremacy. Consequently, activity substantially plummeted, ultimately diminishing, concluding in possessing two unreservedly stagnant companies, straining to recuperate this fatal phase.
Perceived as a potentially opportune occasion to declare a triumphantly ceasing war from the numerous rival acquaintances obtained incrementally, they commit the precisely anticipated manoeuvremaneuver.
Disparate militaries imposed deleteriously detrimental and baneful singular inflictions upon the Unified State, namely the [[Arnithen|Kingdom of Arnithen]], Kronborg and Nolvendore, supplementally in alliance, as the State's remaining forces exerted great effort to pull through, notwithstanding the vital obstacles to overcome, deplorably never victorious. This disintegration and general fiasco led up to the 9th of September, preparatory to the dormant primarily high command taking said action.
[[File:TheUnifiedStateDisbandment .jpg|thumb|526x526px|'''<u>The Unified State</u>'''<p>Official Dissolution Statement]][[File:TheBladesOfNekronOnStateDissolution .png|thumb|300x300px|<u>'''The Blades of Nekron: Second Era'''</u><p>The Unified State: Dissolution Statement]]
== The Cessation (September 10th)==
'''''<big>Work in Progress</big>'''''