The Oxerian Empire: Difference between revisions

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{{Basic_Nation_Template|title1 = The Oxerian Empire|image1 = oxeria logo.jpg|ruling_family: = Hax - (2017 - 2018)
Oxeria - (2018 - Present)|land: = Onnet, MoD|iterations: = Old Oxeria - Twister
Current Oxeria - Emily
New Oxeria - Failed Coup|founded: = 2017|founders: = Twister, Emily|length: = Old Oxeria - (2017 - 2018)
Current Oxeria - (Present Day)|wars: = Azomman-Oxeria vs Kiev-Vire
State-Maveria vs NSE Conflict
The War on Oxeria
The Great Unification War
Saroxerian Wars and Battles}}
== Founding ==
<nowiki>The idea of a nation that opposed Sarovian control of the Military Community was a dream of many. And while there were numerous attempts to destroy and kill Sarovia, none of them were successful. Oxeria has first existed as an Empire known as ''Haxovia''. Formed in the middle of 2017. The entire basis and idea of Haxovia was to eliminate the New Sarovian Empire. Many Haxovians were former members of Twister's early guild known as ''The Midnight Republic''. Not much is known about Midnight, it was a small unorganized irrelevant guild, barely recognized and acknowledged within the GMC. Haxovia has fought Sarovia several times, but has lost miserably and soon after shut down. Originally, Haxovia was designed to be a try-out for an upcoming Empire, which would later be known as ''Oxeria''. Haxovia was the gray era of Oxeria. And its culture and history was remembered and marked with a family name known and addressed as ''Hax.'' ( Haxovia ). Upon the fall of Haxovia, Twister and most of his followers quit for several months. Then, the first initial guild was created, under the name ''Oxeria Empire'' on the 9th of November 2017. Marking the beginning of Oxeria, and a new battle against Sarovia</nowiki>
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Upon being rebranded as a Communist Guild, The Oxerian Empire moved to two tags, The Region of Sorrel and the Region of Nira. Sorrel didn't last particularly long, however Nira lasted several months. After their transition into a Communist regime, the Guild's activity began dropping drastically. Over the next few months Oxeria was in a state of military irrelevance, in which their activity was so low that a large portion of the community no longer recognised it as a military. On the 1st November 2020, The last Oxerian tag under Emily II VirTue's rule, The Region of Nira, was closed, thus ending the long life of The Oxerian Empire...