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[[File:Trailblazer.jpg|thumb|"Break the game., Becausebecause that's way more fun thenthan actually playing it."]]
== History ==
Morzan Von Kazakov, originally known as "Morzan Laviz.", Isis a close friend, and loyalist to [[Auel]]. Originally, he joined with the name "Zayn Winsten". He started out as a private in the old State military, leadled by [[Viral|General Viral]]. Shortly after, he transferred to the parliament believing it would be a better job in the[[The stateState]]. After attending a few meetings and trainings, Morzan met Auel himself a few days before half theof The State's wasmembers were banned. Days after returning to the SAFF era of theThe State, Morzan was promoted to be a councillorCouncillor in the Supreme Council of theThe State. In that time, Morzan learned of his skills as a politician, with his natural ability of public speaking and holding meetings,. leadingAs a result, Morzan quickly got to meet Auel on a more personal scale. When the SAFF Academy was commissioned, Auel made Morzan the headmaster to train the next era of theThe State. During his time as headmaster, Morzan met two people that would be relevant to the rest of his time at the SAFF Academy: Cadet Irish, and Cadet Winry. Both of them passed the academy test with flying colors. Irish was offered a job as Morzan's assistant, while Winry was transferred to the SAFF teams. Before there could officially be aan official graduation, they all were banned. Days after the ban hashad passed, theThe stateState's members returned to begin the Renewed State era. Nothing of much interest occurred in this period, except for him reaching the rank of Colonel, which few NCOs havehad reached at the time,. andMorzan himalso bringingbrought back baby killing. Auel went inactive, leaving theThe State to fall apart. Months later, Auel came back with the Neo-Nazi era. In the duration of that time, the at the time "Fuhrer" Auel showed himMorzan his first few hacks ofon how to upload free uniforms, Bombbomb non -pk zones, and much more. After open rallies and the growing "Anti Staff revolutionRevolution", Morzan's intolerance for insurgency became legendary., Earningearning him the rank of the Head of Anti-Insurgency. In that time Morzan was tasked with all issues regarding rebellions, which at the time were present. After countless battles, the Fuhrer Auel grew tired of theThe State, and resigned, leaving theThe stateState in Morzan's hands. Minutes after being proclaimed the new Fuhrer, his former trainee, Winry insisted theThe stateState was dead, and that he wasn't a leader. She was declared Anti State moments later. Days of leading and trying to introduce new ideas were tryingtiring onfor Morzan, who shortly later purged theThe stateState. "This is a purge of the disloyal. When I come back I want only my supporters here., Notnot stateState supporters who come to oppose me. Those that are loyal only to me." -Morzan explainedVon Kazakov.
After one month, heMorzan brought back theThe stateState. AfterHe losingeventually lost all interest in leading, so he handed over the guild over to [[Auel Sherlock Zor|Sherlock]], who in a great act of treason, kicked all members and changed the guild name. Morzan then made one last State to give to [[Vulnus]], and disappeared. His last words were "Leadership is a burden." Inactive for a long period of time, Hehe wasn't heard from until Auel returned. There it was, a standard State era. Auel came., Auel left. ButHowever, in the next era, Morzan discovered enough new hacks to change the game and tip the balance. Minutes after the discovery, he sent the information to Auel, as a way to repay all he hashad shared with him. Days later he was banned while idling at the start,. and allAll appeals were denieddeclined. [[File:StateGraal.jpg|thumb|They never understood.. .we all served theThe stateState by choice.]]
== Kazakov ==
Morzan's family, Kazakov (Von Kazakov), was famously banned from The State after the Trial of Morzan v. The State. After the ban, Morzan encouraged people to continue wearing the name, stating "Xinke can't take away your freedom."
[[File:Trailblazerfirst.jpg|thumb|"Have you ever ever been on the cliffs of Onnet forest? We will break the boundaries., Thenthen we will break the staff." ]]
