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[[File:LinusRhodes.png|thumb| '''''<u>Linus Rhodes</u>''''' ]]
[[File:2019Arcadia-LinusRowe.jpg|thumb|''Linus wearing the Imperian Arcadian uniform.'']]
''-It was in early 2011 when VermilionLinus first downloaded GraalOnline Classic, downloading both Classic and Era more or less at the same time. His interest in the game was short lived, as he deleted it only a month later. AtIn the time that he played, he used the creative name of Danus3099 as his characters name.''
== The Origins of Vermilion ==
Between the years of 2011 and 2013, Vermilion, using the name Danus3099, began to wander and explore the poorly recreated Zelda graphicstile sets GraalOnline Classic used for theits mapgame. Throughout the years, he continuously deleted and redownloaded the game every so often due to his growing intrestinterest in the vast expanceexpanse of mobile games available, aswell as whenever he threw a pissy fit over being killed. DuringThroughout these years, he recalls joining a few insignificant guilds, of which he can no longer remember the names of. During this tedious and monotonous period in his Graal experience, he explored things such as, Player Killing, Sparring, and at one point, Roleplaying. He also joined a few military guilds during late 2013, alas, he's unable to remember any names seeing as how he stayed in them for less than a few days at most so long ago.
Its safe to say that Vermilion officially began his journeymilitary career in the community during 2014's State. Since then, he's stayed off the radar, only to appear under different names, being a member of numerous notable guilds that include, but are not limited to; Bavaria, Aurea, and multiple renditions of the State.
== The State (2014) ==
'TwasIt was late summer of 2014 when a State rally caught Danus3099s' eye. Having no other games to play at the time, he decided to join out of curiosity and boredom. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private. Seeing as how he lacked both experience or knowledge, his rank did not progress. Asduring his time there, and as the time went by, his overall interest in the guild slowly began to dwindledie out. Being the retard that he was, he was easily playedmanipulated by fellow guild mates, falling for all the plethora bull shit they managed to cram into his head. After falling for god knows how many false promotions, he slowly typed out his autistic goodbye into the guild chat and disappearedleft, thinkingafter mighty of the few wordswhich he said before leaving, it went along the lines of "loser guild I hate u bye". He proceeded to delete the game not long after leaving.
''It was after the State that he changed his name to Vermilion.''
== Bavaria (2015) ==
VermilionsLinus' time in Bavaria was short, as he left not long after recruitment. He had recently returned to Classic from his yearlong hiatus and it was the only promising guild at the time. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private in the 3rd Regiment and began making friends with hisbefriending fellow Privates almostrecruits immediately. Having learnedpicked up a thing or two from his time in the State, heand managedIt towas keepin fromBavaria makingthat himselfhe outgained tothe beutmost aamount completeof andknowledge utterabout retardthe community. His stay was only about a week or sotwo long when he made the decisiondecided to leave, hoping to establish a family of his own.
== Marius ==
VermilionLinus decided to create the family after learninghaving aboutheard of the system from a fellow Bavarian Private. After a tedious period of complex decision making (5 minutes), he decided on Morius (later changed to Marius) as its name. Vermilion had formerly used Morius as a surname for an alt named Gregor Morius, during the early months of 2014, before he joined the State. After its creation, he decided to namenamed two close friends of his to the family, both of whom he'd known for over a year or so. Inand years later, in early 2016, Vermilionhe decided to change the name to Marius, afterat Gaiushis Marius, as he'd become fairly interested in Roman historydiscretion. The familyname never madeamounted ato comebackanything after Vermilion decided toLinus quit the game during late 2016.
== 2017-2018 ==
I'd rather not get into detailsdetail about what I did during these years, seeing as how it'd take a fat fucking minute. Insteadinstead, I've attachhave attached a list of guilds I was associated with. ''This list includes, but is not limited to;''
* Kate's Cut Throat Killers (2017)
* The Free States (2017)
*Valeria (2017)
* Edo (2017)
* Armenia (2018)
Line 27 ⟶ 26:
* The Anghus Association (2018)
* Adraxia (2018)
Guild whore? Righto.
== Communist Aurea (2019) ==
It was the year 2019, near the end of summer, when VermilionLinus returned from a trip and decided to log into Graal on an account he'd created some years back, having finally pulled his head out of his ass and verified it before leaving in 2015. He noticed them right away, like any man with eyes would have, Aureans. This was a first seeing as how he had taken leave in 2016, never having had the chance to witness such a beauty. In the few minutes that he was on, he was contacted by Macbeth, Colonel-General of the 1RBA at the time, andoffered was offeredhim the rank of Commander ofLieutenant in his division, the 1st Red Banner Army. HavingHe noaccepted majorand plans forbegan the restAurean of the summer, he gladly accepted and joined Macbeths' divisionjourney.
BeforeDuring joining,his hetime decidedin toAurea, changeLinus hismade nameconsiderable toachievements Linus.including, Duringbut hisnot timelimited in Aureato, Linus achieved the rank of Colonel-General of the 1RBA after Macbeths promotion to Marshal; (thisMajor-General havingof happenedthe after2nd KevlarRifles wasDivision bannedduring andThe LanceAurean tookState; over)an All-Union Party Member of the Aurean State. He wasbecame alsofriends madewith Colonel-Generala multitude of thepeople, 2ndnotably Rifles[[Soft|Soft DivisionKrieger]], duringLance TheRhodes, Aureanand State[[Nyl|Nylius Avidius]]. Soon after Artix tookhad taken over, withKevlar returned from his Ukrainianban theme.and Heassumed wasthe madeposition anof AllGeneral-UnionSecretary. PartyWith MemberKevlar came news of a Sarovian masskick, as retaliation for the Aureanbattle Stateof MoD Town. Alas,Some time went by and Kevlar returnedsoon went inactive, and soon after that people left. Alas, as certain events lead to another, Aurea began toofficially falldisbanded.
In an attempt to launch a guild of his own, Artix rounded up what menactive and womenAureans he could, and set off to establish the Kingdom of Scipio on Classic. While a notable attempt, the guild died shortly after it's launch and Linus, having been asked to join by Richard Lux multiple times since Aurea disbanded, joined The DarkSteel Order under Harau Bacsey.
== Arcadia (2019-20202021) ==
My time within Arcadia is summarized in the following image:
[[File:Screenshot 20210108-215329 Graal Classic.jpg|center|thumb|384x384px]]
''-I'm not particularly proud of my hasty decision-making when joining DarkSteel. Although, I was removed in less than a day on suspicions of being a mole.''
== Arcadia (2019-2020) ==
Before joining Arcadia, he decided to give Elysia a try. 10 minutes in he left, as it was litteraly the most retarded guild he's ever joined, and that says a lot. Soon afterwards, he was recruited into The Kingdom of Arcadia on October 3rd, 2019, as a Guard in its City of Colstrium. From there he was transferred around until the succession, which he was then settled into the main tag for a few months.
''It's now been a whole fucking year and I'm still here''. ''Happy doing what I am.''
== Families ==
* ''Anghus''
It's possible IveI've forgotenforgotten a few along the way. WIP<br />
It's possible Ive forgoten a few along the way. WIP<br />
[[Category:Marked For Cleanup]]

Latest revision as of 06:28, 18 June 2021

-It was in early 2011 when Linus first downloaded GraalOnline Classic, downloading both Classic and Era more or less at the same time. His interest in the game was short lived, as he deleted it only a month later. In the time that he played, he used the creative name of Danus3099.

Linus Rhodes


Between the years of 2011 and 2013, Vermilion, using the name Danus3099, began to wander and explore the poorly recreated Zelda tile sets GraalOnline Classic used for its game. Throughout the years, he continuously deleted and redownloaded the game every so often due to his growing interest in the vast expanse of mobile games available, aswell as whenever he threw a pissy fit over being killed. Throughout these years, he recalls joining a few insignificant guilds, of which he can no longer remember the names of. During this tedious and monotonous period in his Graal experience, he explored things such as, Player Killing, Sparring, and at one point, Roleplaying. He also joined a few military guilds during late 2013, alas, he's unable to remember any names seeing as how he stayed in them for less than a few days at most so long ago.

Its safe to say that Vermilion officially began his military career in the community during 2014's State. Since then, he's stayed off the radar, only to appear under different names, being a member of numerous notable guilds that include, but are not limited to; Bavaria, Aurea, and multiple renditions of the State.

State (2014)

It was late summer of 2014 when a State rally caught Danus3099s' eye. Having no other games to play at the time, he decided to join out of curiosity and boredom. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private. Seeing as how he lacked both experience or knowledge, his rank did not progress during his time there, and as the time went by, his overall interest in the guild slowly began to die out. Being the retard that he was, he was easily manipulated by fellow guild mates, falling for the plethora bull shit they managed to cram into his head. After falling for god knows how many false promotions, he slowly typed out his autistic goodbye into the guild chat and left, after which he delete the game.

Bavaria (2015)

Linus' time in Bavaria was short, as he left not long after recruitment. He had recently returned to Classic from his yearlong hiatus and it was the only promising guild at the time. Upon joining, he was placed as a Private in the 3rd Regiment and began befriending fellow recruits immediately. Having picked up a thing or two from his time in the State, and It was in Bavaria that he gained the utmost amount of knowledge about the community. His stay was only about a week or two long when he decided to leave.


Linus decided to create the family after having heard of the system from a fellow Bavarian. After a tedious period of complex decision making (5 minutes), he decided on Morius (later changed to Marius) as its name. After its creation, he named two friends of his to the family, both of whom he'd known for over a year or so and years later, in early 2016, he decided to change the name to Marius at his discretion. The name never amounted to anything after Linus quit the game late 2016.


I'd rather not get into detail about what I did during these years, instead, I have attached a list of guilds I associated with.

  • Kate's Cut Throat Killers (2017)
  • The Free States (2017)
  • Valeria (2017)
  • Edo (2017)
  • Armenia (2018)
  • The State (2018)
  • The Anghus Association (2018)
  • Adraxia (2018)

Communist Aurea (2019)

It was the year 2019, near the end of summer, when Linus returned to Graal. In the few minutes that he was on, Macbeth, Colonel-General of the 1RBA at the time, offered him the rank of Lieutenant in his division, the 1st Red Banner Army. He accepted and began the Aurean journey.

During his time in Aurea, Linus made considerable achievements including, but not limited to, the rank of Colonel-General of the 1RBA after Macbeths promotion to Marshal; Major-General of the 2nd Rifles Division during The Aurean State; an All-Union Party Member of the Aurean State. He became friends with a multitude of people, notably Soft Krieger, Lance Rhodes, and Nylius Avidius. Soon after Artix had taken over, Kevlar returned from his ban and assumed the position of General-Secretary. With Kevlar came news of a Sarovian masskick, as retaliation for the battle of MoD Town. Some time went by and Kevlar soon went inactive, and soon after that people left. Alas, as certain events lead to another, Aurea officially disbanded.

In an attempt to launch a guild of his own, Artix rounded up what active Aureans he could, and set off to establish the Kingdom of Scipio. While a notable attempt, the guild died shortly after it's launch and Linus, having been asked to join by Richard Lux multiple times since Aurea disbanded, joined The DarkSteel Order under Harau Bacsey.

Arcadia (2019-2021)

My time within Arcadia is summarized in the following image:



  • Cerenth
  • CrUeL
  • Krieger
  • Marius
  • Rhodes
  • Rommiel

It's possible I've forgotten a few along the way.