Imperia: Difference between revisions

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There were multiple small Auel led guilds between the fall of the second Imperia and the launch of the third. The most prominent of which being the first version of the Graal News Network, or GNN. The third era of Imperia strayed from the Kingdom style of government and instead was based off of Roman Cohorts. Cohorts such as Cohort Valorius, Cohort Spartarum, and others were prevalent in this era. Leaders of the Cohorts included Craig (different than State era Craig), Kentiman, and Zearos. The main enemy of this Imperian era was a guild called Timuit, but nothing much amounted of this rivalry. It fell on March 15th, 2012, as while Auel had been offline for just 6 days, the leader of the guild Cohort Valorius had turned against Imperia and started to amass an army to fight them, and Craig left to make his own guild. Seeing this, Jade & Zearos made the call to end Imperia. It was relaunched a hair over two weeks later when Auel returned, but this time under a more traditional style.
== The Fourth Imperia and War of Paranoia (March - May 2012) ==
The 4th Era of Imperia combined a structure of the first two Imperian guilds. It saw the return of the Royal Family (under Auel), the Royal Army (under Xinke), and Royal Guard (under Zearos), as well as a a few Imperian guilds under Kentiman.
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As the war is already well documented on its own page, this page will not go into many details on it, except to share the original Imperian plans for the war, as seen below:
== IMC II-Paranoia ==
* '''Objectives'''
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While Imperia did win the war, there was a deeper impact it had psychologically on Auel. After this war, he became much more closed off, he no longer viewed his officers as friends, but rather as tools. He began to delve deep into research on exploiting hacks and glitches. It was due to this that Auel developed many of the "abilities" for which he is so known. It would unfortunately take Auel years to fully recover and become as great of a leader as he once was.
== The 5th-9th Imperian Eras (May - December 2012) ==
There are not much significant things to say of the remainder of Auelian Imperias, they played around with government structure a bit in each era, sometimes a monarchy, an empire, a democracy, or a republic. They tried out multiple guild styles, be it multiple iterations of the academies, or an attempt at developing squad based combat, using squads of four, each with an assigned specialist role to improve combat tactics. Multiple Auel lead non Imperian guilds filled the gaps in this era, be it other attempts at GNN and SHINRA, or the Baby Punchers Association, or BPA for short.
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Auel decided to lead an attack on Imperia over a personal dispute between Xinke and himself. As part of Auel’s plan, he asked Zaer to hand over the guild “The Kingdom of Imperia” to him and surrender in the name of Imperia if ever the battle turned on Imperia’s side. After 2 hours of intense battling and a growing Imperian counterattack, Zaer surrendered and Imperia crashed. Zaer quit the game of Graal shortly after this happened, not being able to deal with the guilt of his betrayal.
== The First Magnusian Imperia (Summer 2014) ==
The State had been in a dull period for months, and was unfortunately dying, as its members had truly nothing to do. Auel had the idea that in order to stimulate his men, a war would be needed. He brought Xinke, Ryzallion, [[Kozak Magnus|Kozak]], and Zearos to a meeting at his house and proposed they form a new Imperia to wage war with The State. When he asked which of them would lead this Imperia, the other three all unanimously chose Xinke to be the new King, and thus launched the first Magnusian Imperia, and what is argued by many to be the greatest era of Imperia.
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This Imperia was met with great success, and the war propelled activity on both sides. This is the most fondly remembered Imperia by many. While Imperia did eventually defeat The State, it did fall three weeks later, as its leaders returned to school, and no true enemy was there to be fought. Activity slowly died out, and the leaders ordered the remaining members to transfer to the Bacseyian Empire.
== The Second Magnusian Imperia (Summer 2015) ==
After the [[The Deletion of The State|Deletion of The State]], many people turned to Xinke to create something new, so he created a new Kingdom of Imperia. Shortly after it was formed, several members that transferred over from The State were banned. This Imperia was ultimately short lived, but it did exist for a brief period, and met with a fair amount of initial members.
== The Third Magnusian Imperia (January 2019 - August 2020) ==
Four and a half years after the last true Imperian run, the military community had fallen in terms of quality. The community was dominated by Sarovia, with several smaller guilds rising up to fight them for a month before falling. Xinke, along with a newly appointed [[Magnus]], Richard, were troubled by this, and created plans for a new Imperia. This Imperia would launch as a series of crusade guilds, and after initial success, would transition into a full Kingdom of Imperia. Early in the planning stages, Zearos, Azrael, and [[Peter Rhodes|Peter]] joined the plans.
