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During his time in the Royal Guard, Xinke became acquainted with a few officers of the Royal Guard. At the time, all officers were either of royal origins or they were guild leaders. Thus, he began to talk to individuals such as Kentiman, Warclaw, Zearos, Harau, Ryzallion, The Wandering Troubadour, Eazallar, King Auel and Margrave Cordias/Auel. Some of them, he disliked, some of them, he liked. His opinions were mostly superficial, since being a common soldier, he was not yet important. Some, like the Margrave, already sensed some potential. Others, like Harau, did not care about royal grunts, especially at the time of the split between Imperia and the Basceys that would later lead to the First War. However, with everyday that passed, his skills as a warrior improved, and so did his value. Eventually, days before the first Graal Sparring Tournament, Xinke was accepted in the GST team of the Royal Guard as a sub, as a sort of mark of respect for his combat skills. By that point, he had roughly 1000 kills, 500 of them coming from defending the throne room.
Soon after the GST, Margrave Auel, who had succeeded King Auel after the latter's death, would propose a plan, to revolutionize the Royal Guard and create something greater, something better than just a Royal Family and a couple of soldiers. It would be an idea, an edenEden, a force for good, a player-run government. That idea was Imperia.
== The First Imperia ==
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Following the crash of Shinra, Xinke went trailblazing once again. This time around, he began exploring his combat abilities much more instead of focusing on what he wanted. As such, during this time, Xinke's player kills jumped from 1200 to roughly 2100. With this growth in skills, the young captain also talked with his old pals from Imperia. That is when he heard rumors of the rebirth of Imperia. Obviously, he was quite thrilled to know Imperia was coming back, yet he remembered the failures of both the Imperial Cavalry and the Shinra Housing Division. As such, he seeked to improve from his mistakes and underwent special preparations.
Firstly, Xinke set up a training area in his guild house so that his members could train independently whenever they wanted. This training area had a targeting range, a jousting arena and a pk zone included all in one. Xinke would himself do all the exercises multiple times to test them out, which greatly improved his jousting and archery skills. This model of having a guild house as a training area would be used through nearly all Imperiaseras of Imperia, and it is still present in someall eras of the State.
Secondly, Xinke set up a short training program for his soldiers as well as hours he would do these programs. He had noticed a great lack of coordinated training in Imperia, which will not so important due to the large amount of activities done by the Captains and Commanders, could prove a disaster for the quality of the average Imperian soldier. The reasoning behind having a coordinated training was that real militaries did it, and as such, why should Graal militaries not do it as well?
Thirdly, Xinke chose a look that was easily recognizable and defining. He had been particular about how he wanted his name to defining and unique, and as such he seekedwished to have an equally striking and unique look. So, Xinke spent roughly 1500 gralats trying to win the Sardon RPS hat, bought a 5000 body and got himself a few good looking sword and shield codes. The result was an impressive sleek black and red look that while perhaps a bit noob-like, was also quite avant-garde for the future darker looks in Imperia.
Last but not least, Xinke prepared himself mentally for his new position. He knew his position would involve leading a guild full of soldiers, and considering his previous failures, he would be ranked captain and no more. As such, he began to prepare himself to sacrifice everything for the success of his upcoming guild, no matter if he had to sacrifice his Graal friends or if he had to delve into very unethical methods of obtaining and keeping his soldiers. Thus, he hardened himself and became very serious.
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During the meeting, Xinke was given the rank of Commander, a sign that Auel strongly believed in his ability to lead and to manage his own guild, despite previous failures. Some older members were rather disgruntled with that decision, as they considered the newly appointed Commander to only be a hotshot, and to clearly have been brown nosing Auel considering his quick rise in rank. Auel asked him for the theme of his guild, to which Xinke answered "Knights". The King juggled with names such as "The Imperial Knights" and "The Royal Knights", but this time, Xinke chose the name himself. He answered "The Knights of Imperia". Auel, after a little resistance, accepted this nontraditional name. He declared that The Knights of Imperia would be a mixed cavalry and sword unit that would serve as shock troops for the Imperian army. Unknown to most at the time, the Knights would become the elite of Imperia for many generations, with its members basically becoming legends as they were chosen for this guild.
The meeting continued, with matters such as the colors of the uniforms and the new flag being discussed. However, trouble was already brewing. Jade, the Duchess of Imperia and a very highly ranked noble, kept talking and interrupting all the military figures in the meeting to raise her points. Xinke, who was already not a fan of the nobles due to his time in The Royal Army, quickly grew mad at the girl, until he eventually told her unceremoniously to "SHUT THE FU** UP"." Jade left shortly after, upset by the lack of respect. This incident would mark the beginning of a conflict between Xinke, and later the rest of the military elite, and the Royal Family of Imperia.
The meeting ended with Auel ordering that Darkblade would be the meeting place of the High Officers, and that SNC would become the main base of operations. As such, all of Imperia headed to SNC to explore the building.[[Category:People]]