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==Age of the Power Struggle==
When Auel quit, he left his legacy in the hands of Morzan, a long time friend and servant to Auel. After a few day, Morzan ended the State claiming it was, "A purge of the unloyal". A third Age of Chaos ensued, and small militaries had quick rises and quick falls. After about a month, Morzan brought it back, attracting old State members and some of its old leaders. Morzan tried to introduce a government to the State and created a Parliament, where anyone with intelligence and experience could join and have a say in the State. Here Vulnus became a minister, and created a new circle of influence. Ultimately becoming more powerful in Morzan, being able to stage a coup at any given moment. It was around this time The Red Order or TRO was formed, which soon turned into the Sith-Jedi-Republic Alliance, or more commonly known as, "Star Wars". The Sith Leader Time, consistently provoked the State, and [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] held a rigged parliament Vote for the creation of "The Embassy" a ploy to unify, TRO, Jedi, Byzantium, and a few minor Clans. However, he never actually did because he decided to not establish cross-guild relations and rather have himself act as a pan-political figure to keep peace, thus spreading his influence and power. [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] also convinced Morzan to make him the single General of State, for the first time in a long while the State was starting to see some structure and organization. However, Morzan didn't have a desire to lead and after a few talks with Auel, Morzan handed leadership to Sherlock. [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] had learned of Sherlocks plans to destroy the State before he was leader, but he wasn't online to stop the transition.
Sherlock instantly kicked [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus]] because he knew Vulnus's influence was greater then his own. Vulnus got several tags, and was repeatedly kicked he still acted as General even in this State. Vulnus's circle of high ranking members kept getting him inside, but Sherlock eventually was able to lock him out for a decent amount of time. In those twenty minuets Sherlock kicked many experienced officers, and promoted unqualified members destroying the infrastructure of the State. Morzan contacted Vulnus realizing what Sherlock was doing, Vulnus withdrew his circle and his circle in turn withdrew everyone in their influence, Morzan and Vulnus created a new State, and Sherlock changed the name of the State Guild, ending it.
After a few days Morzan transferred leadership to Vulnus, making the "Big Three" Generals of the Last Auelian Era all have leadership at a certain point in this Era. Vulnus got to work right away, starting development and infrastructural changes, giving the State the leader it deserved for the first time in this Era. Time got in contact with Vulnus, giving him threats for money, under pain of hacks, Vulnus used his greater of understanding of how hacks and glitches work to scare off Time, simply making him look like a fool. After a few days in Vulnus's leadership, he opened recruitment, and the State spent hours trying to recruit, failing to receive members, because swarms of anti-State followed them everywhere, spreading rumors, some true some false. In these hours, not a single person was recruited, Vulnus knew he had to do something.
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