The Bastion: Difference between revisions

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== Foundation ==
The Bastion began to formulate in late [[Guilds and Leaders of 2020|2020]]. Initially, the idea was to create a large military or a coalition of militaries to wipe out guilds that were deemed less than ideal in the mind of [[Artix Stijgen|Laken]]. However, as discussion occurred and Classic staff made it harder and harder for the [[Graal Military Community|Graal Military Community (GMC)]] to operate, the modern idea of the Bastion was born. On November 5th, a server would be made, and the name "Bastion" was used.
With the help of [[Nyl|Nylius Avidius]], [[Perseus Dax]], and [[Soft|Soft Vaughn]], initial ideas about the Bastion, such as its voting system, committees, and community approach would be established. More discussion would occur about forms of combat, rules, and loopholes abused by the military community. Voting occurred and proposals passed, although nothing else would really occur.
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On the 9th of September, Arnold temporarily abdicates the Harbinger role to [[Wilhelm Llaman|Wilhelm]]
== Decline and Fall ==
= Function =
Numerous historians attribute The Bastion's decline to the trend initiated by The Unified State, prompting nations to withdraw from The Bastion's system. Despite the Bastion officials' confidence in the impartiality of their system, which they believed favored the GMC and its remaining guilds, numerous nations opposed this view. They alleged that the system targeted their respective sovereignties and served as a front for Aurea's interests, aimed at monopolizing the military sphere.
The final major conflicts within The Bastion's framework ensued as a rivalry between the emerging Amestrian empire and the long-standing seventh Aurean empire. Subsequently, [[Sarovia]] aligned itself with Aurea during this period, despite having not participated in The Bastion a year prior.
Following the downfall of Aurea and Amestria, alongside Sarovia's withdrawal from The Bastion system, a disorderly phase of political and administrative upheaval gripped The Bastion. By mid-2022, the English guilds were witnessing a steady decline, Sarovia reverted to its independent ruleset, and the Brazilian factions established their own community known as the "Graal Military Society." These developments collectively contributed to The Bastion's dormancy.
Although The Bastion has ceased to exist, its legacy endures through the reintroduction of the house-warfare system. Additionally, its influence persists, shaping the contemporary approach of nations towards engagement in combat.
== Function ==
The Bastion begins at its lowest levels with the committees. There are five committees: graphics, naming, mapping, press, and doctrine. The Doctrine Committee is the most important, being where rule proposals start. The Doctrine Committee is open to essentially anyone so that proposal flaws can be pointed out and hopefully fixed. After some time, discussion and an ironed-out proposal finalized, it is taken to the Hall of Lords. The Hall of Lords is made up of Lords and First Lords. Lords have one vote, while First Lords have two. Lords then vote on the proposal. If it passes, it makes it into the final copy of the Corpus Juris Bastion. Finally is the Harbinger and his Aides. The Harbinger acts as mediator and leader for the Bastion, with the Prince of Arcus as their indicated successor and apprentice.
