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{{infobox | BackColor = | BoxTitle = ''Spyros Çønsïlïm'' | image =
File:Spyros2021.jpeg.png | caption = Spyros Çønsïlïm, June 2021.| Row1Title = Guild Affiliations | Row1Info = [[Imperia]], [[Valeria]], [[The Unified State|The State]] | Row2Title = Join Date | Row2Info = 2015 | Row3Title = Families | Row3Info = [[Consilim|Çonsïlïm ]], [[Verum|Verûm]] }}
[[Category:The State]]
'''Spyros''' is a member of the [[Graal Military Community]], mostly recognized for his contributions as Unified State High Command.
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Spyros originated from late 2012 when he was introduced to the series of Graal Games from a relative.
=== The Beginning (December 2012)===
Being drawn to Graal Classic, he instantly grows a fond of the game and quickly familiarized himself with the nature of Graal and the slavery enforced, following him developing in general knowledge of the game. In advance, came easily getting manipulated into farming against will by being confined into houses repeatedly, irresponsibly trusting everyone after numerous times of being proved to that the majority of the players are not worth it for the given outcome.
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Spartnia ran prosperously and it's activity was on the roof with indescribable manpower, useful in interactions with Spartnia's rival; a Turkish guild whose leader's beef derived from Spyros' Greek nationality. Just at the moment that their leader resulted in joining Spartnia after his guild failing and being rejected from the rest, he publicly apologized and became good friends not long after. Spyros then extended his hand to him and offered his position to him in order to lead it with Cole. Owing to Cole's massive role in the Spartnia's upkeep, previous to the leader of the Turkish taking the lead, following Cole's retirement, Spartnia died in due course despite the Turk's (whose name is sadly not remembered 'till this day) efforts to withhold it on its feet.
===Farewell (January 2014) ===
Shorty afterwards, Spyros began to lose interest in the game even though he had grown to become an excellent towerer in that time period. He was then jumping through guilds with no luck of finding something equal to the teamwork and bonds they had built over time. After a few weeks, he takes it upon him to quit the game, forever as he believed, since he thought he'd have no time to spare as his responsibilities expanded as time passed by and the game no longer attracted him. Therefore, he considered Graal a future distraction and quits on January 2nd, 2014.
=Graal Military History =
The next sighting of him was in late 2015, where he was supposedly back only to catch up on the game and observe the changes it had gone through the past year. Spyros unexpectedly ended up joining the military community in hopes of trying something new. He was fascinated by the trainings, the uniforms, the wars and the community that had been born in 2012 and hadn't found out about it sooner. He was so thrilled about it that he was willing to dedicate into it and assist in every military he joined in the upcoming future. After attempting to do so, he realized he could balance his real life and game together. Spyros never intended on making a name for himself in it, yet he only seeked an exciting experience to remember. Primitively, he became a soldier of a few small militaries, before joining several notable ones.
=== The 3rd Valerian Command (2017)===
[[File: Spyros_During_Valeria.jpg|thumb|Spyros in Valerian Uniform|200x200px]]Having been his first guild, [[Valerian Military|Valeria]] was the source of most of his military experience. This is where his career truly began despite what had come before. Spyros was incredibly impressed by Valeria's capabilities and was more than glad to serve in it. He, like the rest, started from the very bottom and slowly but surely rose through the ranks to become a Valerian officer and fulfilled his responsibilities to the best of his capabilities.
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As [[Imperia]] launched in 2019, Spyros joined as he was recruited to the military by [[Mavis Magnus]], a good long-time pal over the years, which lived on as one of the most favorable experiences, despite not being satisfied with his contributions throughout those months due to believing he could do more. As he took it upon him to change it, he is unforeseeably banned by a rogue admin, with no reasonable explanation as to why. And like that, the most unexpected incident had occured. After weeks worth of attempts, desperately trying to get it removed, he eventually gives up and retires from his position as Knight and from all graal-related social links, infuriated by the mayhem that was the Graal staff.
===The Blades of Nekron (2020 - 2021) ===
Despite the difficulties he had faced, it wasn't the end. After approximately a year had passed, he returns to Graal, assumably to keep tabs and update himself on the modifications the game had gone through as well as the community over the course of the past year with a new account under his real name, Spyros, after shifting through countless of them due to intense struggling of correct pronounciaton. At the time, he meets [[JJ Von Kazakov]] whistle lurking around Graal City and is recruited to the guild known as [https://nekrongraal.wordpress.com/ Nekron]. Unexpected the acceptance as it was, Spyros seeks to rebuild military-wise and is also reunited with a friend of his, Mavis.