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{{infobox | BackColor = | BoxTitle = ''Spyros Çønsïlïm'' | image =
File:Spyros2021.jpeg.png | caption = Spyros with his troopsÇønsïlïm, wearingJune his State Uniform2021. (2021)| Row1Title = CurrentGuild Affiliations | Row1Info = [[TheImperia]], Unified State[[Valeria]] | Row2Title = Join Date | Row2Info = 2015 | Row3Title = Families | Row3Info = [[Consilim|Çonsïlïm ]], [[Verum|Verûm]], Kyro, Vølanus, Maximus II }}
'''Spyros''' is a member of the [[Graal Military Community]], mostly recognized infor his timecontributions as Unified State High Command.
Spyros originated from late 2012 when he was introduced to the series of Graal Games from a relative.
Spyros was first introduced to the series of Graal Games back in late 2012 by a good friend of his. (the cleaner's daughter) Being drawn to Graal Classic, he instantly grows a fond of the game and quickly familiarized himself with the nature of Graal and the slavery enforced, following him developing in general knowledge of the game.
=== The Beginning (December 2012)===
Being drawn to Graal Classic, he instantly grows a fond of the game and quickly familiarized himself with the nature of Graal and the slavery enforced, following him developing in general knowledge of the game. In advance, came easily getting manipulated into farming against will by being confined into houses repeatedly, irresponsibly trusting everyone after numerous times of being proved to that the majority of the players are not worth it, even less for the given outcome.
Prior to discovering militaries nor guilds, Spyros would spend his time patrolling the map, tediously completing guests. As he grew tired it, he attempted sparring and experienced toxicity, consequently rage-quitting, young as he was. He never manifested any talent in it nor did he exhibit any interest in it until later on. As he was on the edge of quiting, he thankfully discovers an activity which appealed to him; towering.
===The Beginning ===
During the pre-military period, Spyros would spend his time patrolling the map, tediously completing guests. As he grew bored, prior to discovering guilds or towering, he attempted sparring and experienced toxicity for the first time resulting in frequently rage-quitted, young as he was.
===Towering (April 2013 - January 2014)===
Spyros never manifested talent in sparring, despite hours practicing at the dojo or exhibited any particular determination nor any interest in it. Thankfully, to the rescue, as the edge to quit was nearly exceeded, came towering.
=== Towering ===
[[File: Spartan_Tower.jpg|thumb|Swamp Tower Captured by Spartan Missionaries]]
NearlyApproximately 4 months passinginto Graal, with no clue as to what towering wasor onceguilds so everare, heSpyros passedpasses by the relocated tower oftoday: Swamp Town andTower, witnesses atowering guildin capture itaction, he questions about it, andultimately finallyjumping discoversonto somethe truechance interestto intake on the game:path of towering,. anHe activityis heinstantly foundattracted speciallyto entertainingit and makes it his own hobby.
Nearly 5 entire months later, subsequent to towering alongside several guilds, most notably RideOrDies, he embraces his independence and creates his own project along with Cole, a former leader, under the name: "Spartan Missionaries", commonly referred to as Spartnia.
Spartnia ran prosperously and it's activity was on the roof with indescribable manpower, useful in interactions with Spartnia's rival; a Turkish guild whose leader's beef derived from Spyros' Greek nationality. Just at the moment that their leader resulted in joining Spartnia after his guild failing and being rejected from the rest, he publicly apologized and became good friends not long after. Spyros then extended his hand to him and offered his position to him in order to lead it with Cole. Owing to Cole's massive role in the Spartnia's upkeep, previous to the leader of the Turkish taking the lead, following Cole's retirement, Spartnia died in due course despite the Turk's (whose name is sadly not remembered 'till this day) efforts to withhold it on its feet.
===Farewell (January 2014)===
Shorty afterwards, Spyros began to lose interest in the game even though he had grown to become an excellent towerer in that time period. He was then jumping through guilds with no luck of finding something equal to the teamwork and bonds they had built over time. After a few weeks, he takes it upon him to quit the game, forever as he believed, since he thought he'd have no time to spare as his responsibilities expanded as time passed by and the game no longer appealed toattracted him. Therefore, he considered Graal a future distraction and quits on DecemberJanuary 28th2nd, 20132014.
= Graal Military History =
The next sighting of him was in late 2015, where he was supposedly back only to catch up on the game and observe the changes it had gone through the past year. Spyros unexpectedly ended up joining the military community in hopes of trying something new. He was fascinated by the trainings, the uniforms, the wars and the community that washad been born in 2012 and hadn't found out about it sooner. He was so thrilled about it that he was willing to dedicate into it and assist in anyevery waymilitary he couldjoined in the upcoming future. After attempting to do so, he realized he could balance his real life and game together. Spyros never intended on making a name for himself in it, yet he only seeked an exciting experience to remember. Primitively, he became a soldier of a few small militaries, before joining several notable ones; for instance: [[Valerian Military|The Valerian Military]], early [[Imperia]] or Maveria.
===The 3rd Valerian Command (2017) ===
[[File: Spyros_During_Valeria.jpg|thumb|Spyros in Valerian Uniform]]Having been his first guild, [[Valerian Military|Valeria]] was the source of most of his military experience. This is where his career truly began despite what had come before. Spyros was incredibly impressed by Valeria's capabilities and was more than glad to serve in it. He, like the rest, started from the very bottom and slowly but surely rose through the ranks to become a Valerian officer and fulfilled his responsibilities to the best of his capabilities.
Everything was average, until he was approached by [[Paynius Valeria]] in a casual night and had been offered the Valeria name before the unfortunate incident which placed Valeria Family out of Paynius' control. The name hasn't been worn by him ever since, due to the altercations it caused between some Valerians. Through those tough times, the support of Ash and [[Grim Reaper Rex Valeria|Grim Valeria]] was given and it is greatly appreciated.
===The Holy Imperian Empire (201.m9 - 2020)===
Spyros would then enjoyably tower alongside several guilds, with his best experience having been in the guild: "RideOrDies".He then decided to embrace his independence and create his own. The guild ran prosperously and it's activity was on the roof with indescribable manpower in towering. At that point, he met a Graalian named: "Cole" whose goals for leading harmonized with Spyros' consequently offering to lead the guild together. Cole played a massive role in the guild's upkeep. Predictably, after Cole retired due to unknown reasons, the rest of the guild followed, eventually being laid to rest
As [[Imperia]] launched in 2019, Spyros joined as he was recruited to the military by [[Mavis Magnus]], a good long-time pal over the years, which lived on as one of the most favorable experiences, despite not being satisfied with his contributions throughout those months due to believing he could do more. As he took it upon him to change it, he is unforeseeably banned by a rogue admin, with no reasonable explanation as to why. And like that, the most unexpected incident had occured. After weeks worth of attempts, desperately trying to get it removed, he eventually gives up and retires from his position as Knight and from all graal-related social links, infuriated by the mayhem that was the Graal staff.
===The Blades of Nekron (2020 - 2021)===
Shorty afterwards, Spyros began to lose interest in the game even though he had grown to become an excellent towerer in that time period. Prior to quitting, he was jumping through guilds with no luck of finding something equal to the teamwork and bonds they had built over time.
Despite the difficulties he had faced, it wasn't the end. After approximately a year had passed, he returns to Graal, supposedly back to only catch up on the modifications the game had gone through with a new account under his real name: Spyros, after shifting through countless of them due to intense struggling of correct pronounciaton. At the time, he meets [[JJ Von Kazakov]] whistle lurking around Graal City and is recruited to the guild known as: "Nekron". Unexpected the acceptance as it was, Spyros seeks to rebuild military-wise and is also reunited with a friend of his, Mavis.
Spyros especially liked Nekron due to it's originality and it differing from other militaries for reasons he could not cope with yet. After his determination was made clear, he slowly but surely started rising up the ranks. After proving himself in leadership and loyalty after participating and assisting in wars, he is made an Officer and picks up his new responsibilities effectively. Nearly a month into it, he is informed early by JJ that Nekron has a very high percentage of being laid to rest at the time. He was slightly devastated being alerted of the news, although he did his best for the guild to enjoy the final moments and hosted a final soccer event to go out together. Activity was prestigious during the event peaking 20+ soldiers online. The event lasted longer than expected, a benefit for a wise decision to be made.  Shortly afterwards, the entirety of the guild is called in for one final meeting and Nekron is laid to rest in March 2021.
After a few weeks, he takes it upon him to quit the game, forever as he believed, since he thought he'd have no time to spare as his responsibilities expanded as time passed by and the game no longer appealed to him. Therefore, he considered Graal a future distraction and quits on December 28th, 2013.
===The Unified State (2021)===
= Graal Military History =
Spyros was then dispatched for a grand project for which he contributibuted heavy documentation into the planning phase. The guild for which he had been assisting to launch remained unknown to him after being turned down questioning it. Wallowing in confusion, he awaits the tag launch and when time had arrived, he knew. The State was coming back as Unified and excitement overwhelmed him.
The next sighting of him was in late 2015, where he was supposedly back only to catch up on the game and observe the changes it had gone through the past 2 years. Spyros ended up joining the military community in hopes of trying something new, yet it wasn't as simple as he thought.
He joins the prime tag, the Kozak tag, the exact day of it's commencement and shatteres records in activity jumping to a hundred hours in the blink of an eye, as if nothing else matter or no real life existed. He begins from the bottom and rises up hastily from participating in every type of gather held and sticking out in activity, despite drastic timezone difficulties, promoted to First Sergeant in just a week time by Ophion, The Captain of Kozak Company. Subsequently, he was unexpectedly demoted to Specialist due to the unforeseen incident with Ophion coming out with his true identity, as well as due to disorganization between the upholders of Kozak and High Command. However, that setback had no effect and he continued to be dedicated to the cause. Following that, promotion after promotion after promotion by different people, he is back as First Sergeant of Kozak Company. Soon afterwards, as a time of Kozak struggling enormous promotions are handed out placing Spyros as Captain of Kozak, later being demoted to Senior Lieutenant having to complete with Hythes for the position. Eventually, he is promoted to Captain and is responsible for the safe upkeep of Kozak. Leading it smoothly through success, not long after, Reggius approaches him proposing a plan for a new Company and asking to lead it with him.
He was fascinated by the trainings, the uniforms, the wars and the community that was born and hadn't found out about it sooner. He was so thrilled about it that he was willing to dedicate into it and assist in any way he could. After attempting to do so, he realized he could balance his real life and game together. Spyros never intended on making a name for himself in it, yet he only seeked an exciting experience to remember. Primitively, he became a soldier of a few small militaries, before joining several notable ones; for instance: [[Valerian Military|The Valerian Military]], early [[Imperia]] or Maveria.
Spyros agrees for the ability of promotions to be given out due to english tags being filled to the top in order for soldiers to be able to move up. High Command approves of the plan on terms of perfecting Han prior to creating a brand new one.
After 3 years happily being a member of the community and contributing his values to it, the least expected incident occured the days of The State thriving. He had received a too long of a ban from a rogue admin with no reason listed. After attempting for weeks to have it removed, he gives up and uninstalls the game once again in late 2019 infuriated by the mayhem that was the Graal Staff.
Just like that, Spyros leaves Kozak in excellent condition to Halfdan and transfers to Han. Han was already thriving at that moment despite not being monitored properly, but after even more work with exceptional officers for instance: Thanatos as a Senior Lieutenant at that point, Han grows to become a powerful company excelling in activity. At that moment, Spyros leaves Han to Thanatos and chases the opportunity to build his own, Consilim Company.
Despite all the difficulties that he had faced, it was not the end for Spyros. 2020 was the year Spyros was busy with studies and had no time to make, causing him to forget about the community and the plans he had to return in the near future.
Consilim is born and instantly expands in logistics, documentation and organization in rapidly, owed to the talented officers available to work with (Sammy, Emberlynn, Reggius) During those days, KKK was created, the heart of The State's success and those responsible for it's upkeep, including Thanatos, Reggius, Halfdan, Spyros, James and the Auels forming a teamwork which is the life source of the guild.
When he was relieved from most of the unfinished duties he ought to fulfill, he was finally ready to return to Graal with a new account under his real name, Spyros after shifting through countless of them due to struggling of correct pronounciatoon. Not long after, he spots [[JJ Von Kazakov|JJ Kazakov]] recruiting and recruits Spyros to the military known as: "The Blades of Nekron", under the leadership of Naz. Unforeseen the acceptance as it was, he seeks to rebuild military-wise.
Not long after, rocky communication and sloppy co-leading between Spyros and Reggius and decide to trade positions in Kozak Company as a whole for the better future of The Consilim Company. Spyros was happy to be back with his friends in Kozak and the company he originated from, while Han entered a near shutdown phase after sloppy leading despite Thanatos' efforts to withhold it. As he couldn't bare to stand and observe it die, he offers himself up to lead both Kozak and attempt his best to revive Han, shortly afterwards placing Han in a state named "Han Rising".
===The Blades of Nekron===
After weeks of dedicating from the last remaining life forces of Han, it is officially revived and peaks approximately 25 whole soldiers online during the meetings. As a thank new basket, Spyros is offered a transfer to Han once more and Kozak is left under the leadership of a good pair of hands and Spyros is promoted to Major after Reggius retired also after Consilim died in his and Jace's hands. Another sudden retirement placed Spyros as a member of The Unified State High Command with the rank of Lt. Colonel. Retirement after mostly due to the school period. Eventually after three excruciating months, The Unified State is laid to rest and will hopefully return strong.
===The Unified State===
Yet to be documented
'''Çønsïlïm''' - Given to Spyros by [[Vulnus K. Consilim|Vulnus Regium]] upon his timecontributions in The Unified State.
'''Verûm''' - Given to Spyros by Auel Logan due to his capabilities as a leader.
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'''Kyro''' - Given to Spyros by Joe Kyro upon his time as Kyronian High Command.
'''Maximus''' (II) - The Head/Founder of The Maximus Family.