Sol Fessler

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"He's not a grunt, and he's definetely not a leader." Sol is the well known graalmilitary participant who has lead countless guilds, to their deaths or to their births. It is often debated about whether or not he is a worthy commander, and it is a two sided story of whether he is a grunt or a true leader.



Enlisting around the beginning of SAFF, Sol was known as "XIII" and was more fond to towering guilds then the currently fresh militaries. He left and joined several towering guilds and did not make another appearance until enlisting in Imperial. He was ranked to a low rank and served, getting new glimpses of the Sentinels and Auel. Imperial begins to fall, and XIII is banned.

The New Republic-

1 Week later, XIII returns on a new account going under the alias of "Sol." He begins to try and re-create Imperial, and James, Peter, and Manji assist him by leading units. This was Peter's first time as a commander, and it was the same for Manji. 1 Week into the era of the republic, Sherlock recreates Imperial. He acts with hostility towards Sol and a war erupts. 2 Weeks later, a revolution is held by Peter, because Sol was not taking enough action towards the State, now past the Federation and under the era of Mid State. The reasoning of Peters revolt is minorly debated upon, as new sources state that it was a test to see loyalties among the army. Sol disbands the Republic and helps Arcadia begin until switching to the State.

Mid State-

Enlisting in the State near the time of it's downfall, Sol reached his height at Corporal and went inactive, he quits and misses the Unitary State Republic and State in Era.

Service in Arcadia-

Sol returns to find Arcadia being the major faction, alongside Imperia. He enlists in Arcadia and is given command of the Sharpshooters division, he holds well and the Sharpshooters become a major part of Arcadia. However, disliking the Democratic orginization of Arcadia, Sol leaves and creates The Federation of Xencel.

Xencel and Britannia-

Sol recruits rapidly for Xencel and it gets 5 members on and allies Arcadia, they find a Imperian Civil War erupting and declare hostilities to Auel. They join the Imperian forces at Li's Dojo and eventually the battle is sent into a draw and sides line up in the Dojo, and Zaer surrenders Imperia to Auel. Sol disbands Xencel and enlists in Auel's newly created guild, Britannia. Sol reaches Sergeant and serves to his highest capability, he receives his first and only free custom here. Britannia falls and Auel disappears, Sol enlists in several unremarkable guilds at this time.

Praetoria and Syrixia-

Sol begins plans to make a society on graal, and requests help from the currently retired Kusan. Sol tells Kusan his plans which will later be a base in his society, Elysia. It is noted by only members of Praetoria and observant Syrixian soldiers that Praetoria was indeed in fact the first society. Praetoria goals to make 3 social class guilds, a government and a armed forces, it ends up in hostilities by Sherlock's current empire, Syrixia. A war erupts and the non militaristic nation is crushed, it is disbanded and Sol enlists as a sergeant in Syrixia. Arcadia, who had helped Syrixia destroy Praetoria is tricked, and Alyssa hopes to lead Arcadia to victory. Sol coordinates a Mortar team on clusterbombing and earns a promotion to lieutenant colonel. He is put in charge of the artillery corps along with Xinkes Brigade. However, when Syrixia falls into heavy inactivity the non GC connected units are completely decomissioned. Syrixia is disbanded and Sol quits for a bit.

Sherlockian State

Eventually Sol returns and finds Sherlock to be leading his own State with Auel and Viral. He enlists and is promoted to Sergeant, he helps coordinate and serve in key operations. He goes inactive and comes back, he stays a wanderer until Kusan makes Elysia.

Horatio Gates


Switching his name from Sol to Horatio Gates, Horatio becomes the governor of the Elysian city of Falren, and it becomes prominent. However, John, who turned out to be Senlok destroys the city and Horatio replaces Falren with the Elysian Footmen. Sherlock convinces Horatio to join Auel, and he disbands the city.

Last Auelian Era

Reaching the rank of major, Sol holds key training's and moves that help the State to grow. He was going to possibly be Kusans Colonel, but he falls into inactivity and returns to find many banned and the militaries in oblivion.



Sol, during his activity was planning to make a new military called Aurelia, it was to be the 1st in a trilogy of 3 guilds which was never revealed until recently. Sol switches from Sol to Octavian and begins to create Aurelia. Senlok/John is to be a Consul, the same rank as Octavian and the joint leader of Aurelia. The joint rule accomplishes much and Senlok overthrows Octavian, Octavian is kicked.

Aurelian Revolution

Angered at Senlok's coup, Octavian makes a revolutionary guild to fight Senlok and Aurelia, although it failed Octavian was given the rank of Prime Minister in Aurelia in exchange for ceasing the revolt, and Octavian continued to think revolutionary actions against Senlok in secret.

Return to Aurelia

As prime minister of Aurelia, Octavian accomplished the off limits journeys and the goals set originally for Aurelia, when Senlok abandoned his post as Emperor Octavian took it. However, Aurelia fell weeks later and it was disbanded. Aurelia remained in 15th Regiment of Foot and TaZe/Savus/Sovis was first recruited here.

Morzan's State

Enlisting in Morzan's State, Octavian went up through the ranks to Lieutenant. He was put into the government, though when Morzan's state was taken over by Kaiserlich Octavian supported Kaiserlich.


Joining Kaiserlich, Sherlock inflates the ranks and begins kicking influential people. He puts Octavian only to Lieutenant and lets the State fall.

Alteria and Morzan's state II

Morzan remakes his State after Sherlocks falls. Octavian is made a Sergeant and the highest rank is Lt. Col, however Vulnus revolts and makes Alteria, Octavian is put in charge of the Alterian Guard and it becomes the major division of Alteria.

Panzer Lehr

Panzer Lehr is a germanic themed force based off of Imperial Germany without the party affiliations, it doesn't go far however it has a lasting impact on the way graalians see militaries and militaries based on real nations have existed based on Lehr after such as Rome and France.


Octavian remakes Aurelia as the second of the trilogy, and it becomes one of the bases for new guilds to come with a set of new ranks and new orginization, which would become used in guilds to come. Octavian begins using less merciful tactics here and he begins becoming less and less kind as a leader, due to this Empress Gorgo revolts after the highest amount of soldiers online- 18.


The rebellion guild to Aurelium, Octavian tries to stop them but is banned. He leaks emails from his alt and has spies inside of Atlantia.

Kibler Guard

Made as a Germanic themed Imperial Guard to fight the State, Kibler beat the State in a battle and soon fell and was revealed to be a project lead by Octavian.



Sol changes his name to Vata, and serves in Auel's State in which there is Cavalry, Rangers, and Infantry. He is a 1st Lieutenant before the reform and, is accused of treason and put on trial. He leaves before he can be put on trial, but he was one of the most influential officers of the State era here and he helped many co-workers in their jobs.


The third in the Aurelian trilogy, Aurelis puts a piece of a 3 year project Sol was originally working on. It lasts a short period of time however it has a impact on several things. This is the second time A Sol dominated guild beats a Auelian guild and it prides itself on this.



Leaving the mess of Aurelis to rot with John, Sol changes his name to Vulpes the two join Bacsey and make the intelligence division. John leads it however Vulpes carries it and does everything for it, John makes several insults on Vulpes and in response, Vulpes transitions to the legion.

Projects and Facts


Eibon/Vladmir is not Octavian, despite popular belief.

Project Purity was a project in Aurelis dedicated to "purifying" the military community with truthful ideas and new beliefs.