Sol Fessler: Difference between revisions

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(had to redo the whole page lol took a few hours)
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==== Morzan's State ====
Enlisting in Morzan's State, Octavian went up through the ranks to Lieutenant. He was put into the government, though when Morzan's state was taken over by Kaiserlich Octavian supported Kaiserlich.
==== Kaiserlich ====
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==== Kibler Guard ====
Made as a Germanic themed Imperial Guard to fight the State, Kibler beat the State in a battle and soon fell and was revealed to be a project lead by Octavian.
== Vata ==
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==== Bacseya ====
Leaving the mess of Aurelis to rot with John, Sol changes his name to Vulpes the two join Bacsey and make the intelligence division. John leads it however Vulpes carries it and does everything for it, John makes several insults on Vulpes and in response, Vulpes transitions to the legion.
== Projects and Facts ==
Anonymous user