Senlok Wehlet Asano: Difference between revisions

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===The Older Militaries===
In the first State, Senlok seldom contributed to the State itself and roleplayedspoke with his friend, the late Zearos Deklazdier S'ahlesius. It was at this time Graal first saw Senlok in the look and name he has today. He however maintained a position of importance as he was the Royal Advisor to the King of Valikorlia, James I. When the SAFF State rose, he immediately jumped into the State and became a prominent Councilor in the State Supreme Council. His name was Zearos Wehlet. He had changed his name to honor Zearos D. S'ahlesius, who had left Graal for some time. Close to the time of SAFF's demise, Senlok was kicked off the Supreme Council and discharged. Due to this and an identification glitch that caused the loss of his first account, he quit Graal for around two to three months.
===The Newer Militaries===
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