Second War of Paranoia: Difference between revisions

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(Made the information more accurate.)
gmc>Lyman A.
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General Auel of the State had once more made his trademark empire, under new organization.  Unfortunately this guild had a severe problem with many of the members quickly growing bored. After a few weeks of little success, Auel had a very simple idea to solve the boredom issue, war. He called a meeting with Xinke, Kozak, Ryzallion, and Zearos. He proposed to them the idea of a war, for them to create and lead a new Imperia, to dogo to war with the State.
At the time, many small guild existed that were rebel guilds of the State, the Imperians quickly began to absorb many of the smaller ones, and build an alliance with the bigger ones. Kibler Guard and many other state rebellion guilds would help the fight but later fall due to goal enticed reasons. Tensions were rising amidst Imperia and State, and they began to escalate when Harau returned to Graal halfway through the war and Bacsey was made yet again, allying Imperia in a defensive goal against Auel.
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Many Aurelsians defect to Bacsey or the State, and soon many Aurelsians are inside the Bacseyian Intelligence Group. Several battles occur, whether it be of wit or of brawn. It comes down to a spar between Harau and Auel, if Harau lost, he gave up his sentimental mask. If Harau won, Auel quits Graal. Imperia and Bacsey anticipate the spar, and battles continue.
==Decline Of The State==
The spar never happens, Auel had already been inactive and the State was already in decline before the war began. Circumstances cause Auel's inactivity to increase and the State declines with him. Throughout the conflict, Auel remained nearly uninvolved. Countless wars and battles had made him weary of another all out war. The State declined to a point of near inactivity, and would end up falling.
== Imperia's Fall ==
Imperia had grown quite large, but when Autumn came a problem arose for the members of Imperia, as four out of the five leading officers of Imperia began college, and they were not able to dedicate the time to leading the guild anymore. Seeing that without the officers present, the guild was beginning to decline, Xinke quickly ordered all remaining members of the guild to transfer to Bacseyia, where they remained until the end of the war.
== The Aegis War ==
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Auel returns and reveals he had made several new heads and bodies. Sol, the current Centurion of the Bacseyian Legion is intrigued. He speaks to Auel, and Sol, convinced that the war was irrational, agrees to take down Bacsey. He plans to convince the officers to defect and confront Harau at a given time. Many people begin seeing the irrationality of the war and support Sol. Legate Mathiveas aids Sol by convincing another Viceroy to defect. 
Mathiveas however, trusting Xeno the leader of Aegis Company; tells him most of the plan. John continues to support Harau, and a good portion of Bacseyians still do. Xeno tells Harau that there are traitors in Bacsey, but does not specify who. The whole plot is under threat and Xeno is convinced to keep quiet, but gives hints to Harau. Harau orders Bacseyian forces currently hanging out in Falren to head to Barathreon, the Aegis capitalCapital to hold a meeting.
Soon Harau orders Bacseyians to assault Barathreon, and a battle engulfs. Aegis is pushed to their throne room, but when Sol sees a chance to complete the job he takes it. Sol begins to speak of Harau's irrationality and many people follow along. Aegis praises Mathiveas and Bacsey is pushed back.
Harau accuses Mathiveas of treason and makes him emperor, leading to Harau's exile. Many people stay with Mathiveas, and Sol and the new emperor plot the fate of the guild. John is distraught, and holds a funeral at his newly built bunker.
== Downfall of Bacseyia ==
Suspecting Sol and Mathiveas of being the traitors all along, John disbands the BSOC unit. Bacsey falls into inactivity and many, following Harau, exile themselves. Noticing this, Sol tells the Initiative to disband and Alex leaves with Harau. The Brigade is morphed into a social guild, and the final blow is struck. The legionLegion disbands and Mathiveas abdicates. Respecting him, Sol offers him a position in a upcoming guild.
== Second Downfall of The State ==
Anonymous user