Mining Statistics, by Arnold: Difference between revisions

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[[File:WoodenPickaxe.jpeg|alt=|thumb|Wooden Pickaxe$100|center]]
The first member of the pickaxe family is the wooden variant. It is made solely for new players to mine rocks. My suggestion is to only buy only 1 or 2 of these, with those, you should have enough XP to reach a high enough level to use the Iron Pickaxe.
[[File:IronPickaxe.jpeg|center|thumb|Iron Pickaxe$200]]
The second member of the pickaxe family is the iron variant. This practically is just the wooden pickaxe with a bit more extra hits. You'll probably use this for quite a short period of time so I suggest you not stock up on supplies.
[[File:GoldenPickaxe.jpeg|center|thumb|Gold Pickaxe$250]]
The third member of the pickaxe family is the gold variant. Oh boy you're going to stick with this one for a while. Through the treacherous journey, this pickaxe will be there alongside you. You're going to have nightmares about this pickaxe during your hours of grinding sapphires and rubies.