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i have made true my own family name
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(i have made true my own family name)
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{{Infobox|BoxTitle=<font color=black>The Maximus Family|image=MaximusFlag.png|BackColor=White|Row1Title=<font color=black>Founder|Row1Info=<font color=black>Charles|caption=<hr>|Row2Title=<font color=black>Founded|Row2Info=<font color=black>December of 2020|Row3Title=<font color=black>Affiliations|Row4Title=|Row3Info=<font color=black>The State, The Aurean Empire, The Unified State}}
'''Maximum''', also known as '''Maximus''', which translates to "the greatest" in Latin, is an international family. SpyrosCharles Consilim and CharlesI founded the family in December of 20192020, having been inspired by the [[Valerian Military|Valeria]] family, for they strive to affiliate it with all communities and fields.
== History ==
The famliy possessed deep roots in the Zhao family, a Japanese oriented theme, before its reformation into the Maximus family. Exclusive graphics were later issued, though were not worn as the family enlisted in [[The Unified State]], under the command of [[Auel Kusan]] and Logan Vist.
During its State expedition, Spyros, the familyself-proclaim wasKing, introduced the family to Halfdan Arçanüm, [[Fletcher Xavi]], and Thanatos Lathum. Atand theinclude time,them Seniorin Lieutenantthe lineage while Charles alsothat restructuredtime thewas family,earning muchflying tohours Lieutenantin Colonelflying Spyrosschool. Even if he couldn't chagrin.include Theplaying UnifiedGraal Statefor wasmost disbandedof byhis itstime, leadershiphe notstill longmanage afterto play.
Eventually,Before Spyros, enteredthe intoself-proclaim servicefounder of the [[Aurea|Aureanfamily, Empire]]revised as aCharles' Captainkingdom, andCharles so Charlesalso transitionedrestructured the family intoand made houses — House Escalus and House Dupont, whichseparating adoptedthe aroyal Frenchbloods theme.and Opposedthe to this,council. howeverHowever, Spyros chosedid not to follow, andCharles' heldplan. ontoHe thehad Maximustaken family,advantage of whichCharles' structureabsence heand revisedadded people in the lineage.
Eventually, Spyros entered into service of the [[Aurea|Aurean Empire]] as a Captain, claiming he's Maximus II. and so Charles had finally disappear without a formal good bye to his own family. Opposed to this, however, Spyros chose not to follow, and held onto the Maximus family, of which structure he revised.
= Members =
The official list of the family which Maximus, Charles, had ordained the following royal bloods:
The Line of Maximus incorporates competent military, who excell in leadership and have flourished to their potential.
*SpyrosCharles Maximus (King)
*[[Jace Mendacium|Jace Maximus]]
*RollinsSofia Maximus (Princess)
* HalfdanEmberlynn Maximus (Duchess) J
*[[Fletcher Xavi|Fletcheraxson Maximus]] (Duke)
*ThanatosSteven Maximus (Royal Guard)
*LeonRinny Maximus (Marquesses)
*Thanatos Maximus (Lord)
*Markus Maximus (Lord)
*Arnuld Maximus (Duke)
*Carlo Maximus (Baron)
*Jellal Maximus (Baron)
*Kai Maximus (Royal Guard)
*Valentina Maximus (Baroness)
*Scaebberd Maximus (Royal Knight)
*Arnold Maximus (Royal Knight)