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{{Infobox|BoxTitle=<font color=black>The Maximus Family|image=MaximusFlag.png|BackColor=White|Row1Title=<font color=black>Founder|Row1Info=<font color=black>Spyros Vist, Charles|caption=<hr>|Row2Title=<font color=black>Founded|Row2Info=<font color=black>December of 2020|Row3Title=<font color=black>Affiliations|Row4Title=|Row3Info=<font color=black>The State, The Aurean Empire, The Unified State}}
'''Maximum''', also known as '''Maximus''', which translates to "the greatest" in Latin, is an international family. Spyros Consilim and Charles founded the family in December of 2019, having been inspired by the [[Valerian Military|Valeria]] family, for they strive to affiliate it with all communities and fields.
