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I joined the GMC in 2016, enlisting in sarovia when I did so. I am well known Guild hopper and I don’t try to deny it, I have been hopping since I joined. Simply because I became bored and struggled to make decisions. After I joined sarovia I stayed there for a day or 2, maybe more, and then enlisted in Oxeria. I hopped between sarovia and Oxeria 1 more time and eventually stopped joining military guilds all together.
A few months later I enlisted into Ordo Caelestius (Imperia). I stayed their for a week or so and left, joining Ordo Magnus the next day. Now Grey (The leader of Magnus) misranked me, severely. I got sergeant the same day I joined and then got knight the next day, I stayed their for a week again. I kept hopping and hopping to doso many guild so I won’t go into much detail of all of them.
My early hopping was let slide at first because I was new. But I carried on and on until people began to notice, leading to blacklisting and harassment. Eventually I was blacklisted by everyone in the gmc so I wasn’t able to join the military. Everytime I would try they would reject and I would get more harassment. To be honest, I deserved a fair bit of it, I was extremely annoying and I don’t blame SOME people. Now I don’t want this to turn into a salty sob story so I will move onto the positive side.