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After the war Imperia decided to generously split the conquered land with the other militaries, taking only York, Snowtown, Deadwood, and Destiny for themselves. Post-war the guild continued to get solid activity through the summer and held strong. The portions of land that were given to Aurea were taken by Sarovia when the Aureans returned to West. This land was quickly taken back by Imperia, again leaving Sarovia landless. 
The Imperians established a foothold into the Brazilian military community with the help of Hizack Magnus, who started the first Imperian Brazilian tag, The Kingdom of Niflheim, a viking themed military kingdom. Many other Brazilian leaders followed Hizack and joined like Atiesh, Sparta and Guardia, or created their own kingdoms under Imperia. This new community provided a major boost in the numbers of Imperia. 
On December 1st of 2019, The Kingdom of Arcadia, lead by Peter Rhodes, seceded from the Imperian Empire over disagreements with the direction the Empire was taking, as well as disagreements over how to handle the remainder of Sarovia. After the departure of Arcadia, the Holy Imperian Empire continued to remain the largest combined military and in a strong state. Arcadia became The Arcadian Sovereignty and continued to be self sustaining.