Ikana: Difference between revisions

Changed my name
m (Changed my name)
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'''The''' '''Ikana Kingdom''' was a short-lived military guild outside the military mainstream. It was founded in December 2015 by Ikiba Ikana. The guild's leadership described it as a "family military guild."
Despite its obscurity, it was run by individuals such as [[Ash|Ash Lightwind]] (former wife of [[Auel|Auel Vist]]), RoanokeXiaoguard Han (then known as Socks), and [[Nyl|Nylius Avidius]] (then known as Orbitus). Together, they tried to push the project off the ground.
The project did not last long and by 2016 its founding members have all left. Ash focused again on personal projects, Roanoke became Chancellor of the [[Sarovia|New Sarovian Empire]], and Nylius returned to [[FoV]]. Roanake would later recruit Nylius to Sarovia.