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==Welcome to the GraalMilitary Wiki==
This Wiki is a comprehensive page that containstain thehe history ofhistoryo all the notablechildren graalwho militarythink leadersthey're asbig ofshots 1because they can do lame hacks and try to take over an online gaming community mostly visited by 7-18-1415 yeat olds.
NOTICE: Try not to change original posts much, this blog has been up since December, November possibly, and I would appreciate the help but again, try to keep some original work. 
==MilitaryTempertantrum Overload Shitlord Leaders==
[[The Big Three]]
[[Führer Auel|Auel Vist]]
[[Auel Kusan |Kusan]]
[ Vulnus K. Consilim]
[[Horatio Gates/Sol|Sol]]
[[Senlok Wehlet Asano]] (Senlok)
==Military Guilds & Organizations==
[[The State]]
[ The Çønsïlïm Family]
[[The Sentinels]]
[[The Atlas Family]]
[[The Holmes Family]]
[[Asano Clan]]
==Notable Conflicts==
[[The War of Paranoia|War of Paranoia:]] ''Imperian Military v. Basceyian Confederation''
[[The Communist Rebellion|Communist Rebellion:]] ''The State Military v. Ministry of Justice''
[ State Rebellions:'' '']''The State Military v. Rebel Factions''
[[Military Uniforms|Uniforms]]
[[Military Database Index|Military Ranking Database]]
[[Graal Military]]
[[Führer Auel|Auel VistAKA Hitler]]
[[Winry AKA Hitler's fk buddy]]
Anonymous user