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== '''Aizen's time with Auel''' ==
Aizen joined the State and he was ranked Sergeant. Aizen was learning a lot of military knowledge so he stayed in. He met an officer named Choco. Choco was a 2nd Lieutenant. They became amazing friends. He then met a guy called Regius and he was trained by him on how to be a better soldier. He's the reason Ani's name changed to Aizen. So Ani changed his name to Aizen. State died and Auel made The Army of Auel. He then joined The Royal Guards, led by Aga, and was made Sergeant. I can not quite remember how many days or weeks it was till Aga gave him leader of The Royal Guard. What Aizen didn't know is he was being tested on how well he could lead. Aizen did well however there were some improvements to be made. Aga got leader back and Aizen was promoted to Warrant Officer. However Auel still fell inactive so The Army Of Auel disbanded and we all went different ways. Aizen was in a few other military guilds that didn't last long. He then found himself leading a military called Kaedei. Aizen was not ready to lead a military and grew too quick. Aizen then had stress problems due to hacker groups such as the Underground and the Z Council to pressure him to disband Kaedei. Aizen changed after that. He didn't trust as many people as he did before Kaedei. Again Aizen then found himself in military guilds that didn't last long. When Auel came back and made The Republic Aizen enlisted and was serving Auel again. Aizen was made Corporal and after about a day or two he was to be an officer leading the 5th Battalion. Aizen did really well as an officer leading the 5th Battalion. However Aizen was a double agent for Vulnus. But the wrong information got out and Aizen was discharged. However after a few talks Aizen was back in and leading the 5th Battalion again. Aizen did well for leading trainings and rallies. Auel yet again fell inactive and Aga lost hope in the Republic. However Aizen wasn't going to give up that easy. He told everyone to stay and he planned a military to fall from the ashes of the Republic. Aizen made Piorus. A military that had everything. All Aizen needed to do is keep in intact . After two weeks of training people and rallying Aizen left Piorus to join The First Order.
After serving The First Order, Aizen joined many guilds and would greatly get to know Sherlock. Before Aizen's leave. Auel once again returned to form a few States. Aizen would always join them regardless of where he was at the time in the Graal Military Community. A few states fell and some he had great leadership over. Aizen would under-go this cycle of joining random guilds until the State would return.
After the cycle Auel returned yet again to unite the State under "Army of Auel" . Which he then chose Aizen & Craig to help lead this. A week went by with The Army of Auel being an amazing guild along with being one of the notable times the State has returned. However this would fall short and Auel would fall inactive again, leaving Aizen and Craig to lead the Army of Auel. A few weeks past and no word from Auel was ever mentioned. Yet two Auels would return the "pink Auel" along with an Auel that look legitimate. Aizen and Craig had no word from Auel until then. They both decided to trust the Auel that returned. Later on the weeks this "Auel" claimed to have given Aizen the Auel name and letting him run the Army of Auel by himself. With many back and fourths Aizen and Craig both trusted this source. Naming Aizen an Auel. For a few more weeks would pass and this "Auel" would come on now and then but many rumours were going around, that this was not the real Auel. Until then it was confirmed when the actual Auel came back and said that the "Auel" that was claiming power to the Army of Auel along with naming Aizen an Auel was not true. Putting Aizen's name in the line of fake Auels along with Draz.
Aizen, destroyed by this news and feeling betrayed. Aizen decided to leave Graal behind, going to other hobbies along with focusing his time within the military. Shortly after the month of the Army of Auel, Aizen was deployed to Afghanistan.
== Aizen's Return ==
After 4 years of military service. Aizen was found later on in the summer of 2020, wondering online again. Deciding to join Maveria for a few weeks. Then later deciding to leave as he did not feel he wanted to be in a military guild again. However, someone came to him of the return of the State once again. Aizen feeling uneasy decided to sway this off until a few days later, accepting the invite. Aizen continue to serves the State and proclaims he is loyal to the Auels only and has always been regretful of his past.
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