A New Military Age, by Zearos D. S'ahlesius. (A response to Xinke's "Future of the Military World"): Difference between revisions

Added a tl;dr and a paragraph towards the end
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(Added a tl;dr and a paragraph towards the end)
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gone now, and the power that he horded can be returned, the greed and
competitive mindset he created can dissipate. People no longer act out of
respect or morality, but rather selfishness and greed.
Members of the military should want to help each other as well
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levels of humanity, loyalty, and respect that there was back in those days, but
they can return.
I am not saying here that any of us were better leaders or had a better military, there were certainly many flaws even back then. Recreating the Royal Guard is not the answer to the problems, neither is another Imperia, nor another State. I am attempting to lie out the primary problems currently facing the military world and picking some of the small bits and pieces of these eras that worked so that they may be used as a point of reference for those looking to create something new.
People leave, that is a fact, but more will always come, do
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Choose carefully, and remember not to let your passions overly
impede on your judgement, and be cautious not to be led into folly.  
'''tl;dr: '''Militaries have fallen into an over complicated greed filled cycle. If militaries are to be relatively successful again, simplify the guild structure and ranking system, expand carefully and only as needed, ensure activity (that's not just geometry training) , and work to create an environment that's fun to be a part of rather than a cut throat competition for higher ranks.  
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